Treatment Center for Anxiety in North Carolina

Carolina House proudly serves people of all genders age 18 and older from across the country who are struggling with anxiety. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support to help individuals manage and overcome their anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment

Learn more about anxiety treatment at Carolina House in North Carolina

Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, and related conditions continue to wreak havoc on the lives of individuals throughout the United States. Sadly, anxiety can dramatically impact an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing. When a person who has a mental health disorder, such as anxiety, that individual can suffer a myriad of additional issues that can impact the way in which they function on a regular basis. Thankfully, relief from these disorders can be found at professional treatment and rehab centers specializing in treating anxiety disorders.

At Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, we recognize the importance of addressing primary mental health concerns, such as anxiety disorders. Therefore, we supply a comprehensive approach to each of our clients at our treatment and rehab center that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of anxiety. We are pleased to offer treatment and rehab at our center that can be life-saving and help countless individuals who struggle with anxiety reclaim their lives once and for all.


How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for anxiety

Watching a loved one who is suffering from an anxiety can be tremendously upsetting. If you have a loved one who is grappling with this condition, it is likely that you feel depleted of ways to try and help them. Even though you might be feeling defeated, there are a number of things that you can do to help them obtain the treatment and rehab from a professional center for anxiety that they need to regain positive health.

For starters, the most important thing you can do is learn as much as you can about anxiety. Find out what can cause it, what effects it produces, and what behaviors your loved one might display. The more you know, the more helpful you will be for your loved one.

Speak to your loved one about your concerns. Do so by approaching them non-judgmentally, and in a supportive, loving manner. Explain your fears about their condition, express your desire to help and support them, and let them know that you will be there during their transition into treatment and rehab at a professional center for anxiety.

Locate treatment and rehab centers that address conditions such as anxiety. Reach out to these treatment and rehab centers to find out more about how they treat these conditions, what kind of living accommodations they provide, and how they can help your loved one. By doing this, you can be prepared to take action when your loved one comes to you for help.

As soon as your loved one has started treatment and rehab at their chosen center for anxiety, continue to show your support by visiting, helping carry out duties on the home front, and checking in with them on how treatment is going. Showing your support is critical at this time.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for anxiety at Carolina House in North Carolina

Sadly, untreated mental health concerns like anxiety can be deadly. Anxiety can cause issues such as insomnia, self-harming behaviors, and the abuse of substances like drugs and/or alcohol. Untreated anxiety can lead to effects such as social withdrawal, familial discord, unemployment, and financial strife. The longer this condition is allowed to persist, the more likely it is for these effects to occur. Therefore, someone who is facing anxiety should obtain treatment immediately. Doing so can prevent these effects from occurring, as well as reverse some of the damage that has already been done. Additionally, treatment and rehab at a high-quality center can help improve one’s physical and psychological well-being so that obtaining recovery can be less challenging in the long run. With proper treatment from a mental health and anxiety rehab center like Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, recovery is possible.

Types of Treatment

Types of anxiety treatment offered at Carolina House in North Carolina

Carolina House, we have been devoted to providing world-class, residential treatment and rehab to individuals who are in need of comprehensive treatment to overcome the symptoms anxiety. Situated in a serene, wooded setting, Carolina House offers clients of any gender, age 18 and older, a tranquil environment that is fully conducive to true and lasting healing. We hold ourselves to a standard of excellence in the care we deliver so that clients who engage in treatment and rehab at our center for anxiety with us can succeed in discovering a renewed life of wellness.

At Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, we have made it our goal to provide a beautiful, safe, and nurturing environment that is run by highly trained and supportive staff. We use a structured, multifaceted treatment and rehab approach at our center for anxiety disorders that is designed to usher clients successfully into life-long recovery. Our treatment approach also encourages self-exploration towards transformation through self-nurturing expressions of living. This goal and these treatment and rehab approaches are met by providing clients with individualized treatment plans that are catered to meet each of their very unique needs. Various aspects that may be incorporated into these treatment and rehab plans at our anxiety treatment center are described in the following:

Medication management: When individuals are battling symptoms anxiety, the use of certain medications may be recommended in order to help alleviate some of their distress. Clients at our treatment and rehab center for anxiety have the opportunity to meet with a psychiatrist once or twice a week in order to determine the need for any medication, as well as to monitor the therapeutic effectiveness of any medication prescribed.

Individual therapy: Clients are provided with one full individual therapy session each week that typically lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. Additionally, clients will meet with their therapists for one or two brief check-in sessions each week, each of which may last anywhere between 20 and 40 minutes. These sessions are designed to provide clients with an opportunity to meet in a private, confidential setting with their therapists so that they can discuss their progress in treatment, process through any setbacks that may have arisen, and celebrate any successes that have occurred while in treatment and rehab for anxiety at our center.

Family therapy: Recognizing how important family involvement can be in our clients’ successful recovery from anxiety, the staff at Carolina House, located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, frequently incorporates family therapy into our clients’ treatment plans. Family therapy sessions are typically offered on a weekly basis, meeting for an average of 45 to 60 minutes for each session. If deemed appropriate and therapeutically beneficial to clients, additional family sessions may be added on an as needed basis.

Group therapy: When working to overcome anxiety, group therapy sessions have proven to be incredibly beneficial and effective. Clients typically participate in an average of six group therapy sessions each weekday, four group sessions on Saturdays, and two group sessions on Sundays. These group therapy sessions are typically broken down as follows:

  • A variety of other groups occur during the week as well, including both process and psychoeducational groups. The topics that are covered during these sessions vary but may include discussions on body image, media awareness, empowerment, relapse prevention, nutrition, and guided self-care, among many others.
  • Two Food and Feeling Groups take place every day. These are short, skills identification groups that occur after every lunch or dinner.
  • Two Integrated Health Groups take place each week and are led by a licensed clinical specialist and are attended by all clients. Weekly offsite meetings are also made available to clients who need them.
  • Interpersonal Process Groups occur three times per week and are dually led by a licensed professional counselors and other qualified professionals who have been fully trained in the group modality.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Groups take place three times per week and are facilitated by a licensed clinical social worker who is specially trained in DBT.

Experiential therapy: In order to offer clients a holistic approach to the treatment, Carolina House offers a number of experiential therapy options at our anxiety treatment and rehab center in addition to the more traditional therapeutic interventions. Examples of these therapies include the following:

  • Strength training
  • Walks
  • Culinary Group
  • Body movement activities
  • Embodying Recovery (a sensorimotor psychotherapy group)
  • Games
  • Yoga therapy
  • Art therapy

Additionally, keeping in mind that recovery is an ongoing process, the staff at Carolina House is dedicated to ensuring that clients have a definitive plan set in place prior to their being discharged. From the time of admission to our treatment and rehab center for anxiety disorders, clients’ primary therapists are assessing their outside resources and determining what services need to be in place in order to support a smooth discharge plan. Typically, the goal will be to step down to a lower level of care slowly so that clients can be fully prepared for increased independence.

If you or a loved one is suffering from anxiety, the staff at Carolina House wants to help. Located in North Carolina and also serving South Carolina and all states nationwide, our world-class programming at Carolina House can help you overcome the symptoms that plague you, while also assisting you as you develop the confidence needed to embark on a bright and promising future. Do not continue to suffer. Let the staff at Carolina House show you that there’s a better way to live.

I can’t say enough thanks to everyone at Carolina House for their kindness they showed and help they gave as I worked to overcome my eating disorder and my anxiety. I can’t imagine any other treatment center could care as much about its patients' recovery as much as Carolina House does.

– a former client
Our Treatment Modalities